Our Team


Hershy Sofer

"The impression of a home begins with its door handles"

With his ambitious personality, Hershy is always brainstorming innovative ideas and with his can-do attitude he actually gets them from concept to reality.

Contact Hershy


(855) 203.7148 ext. 1001

Abe Merlin

"The door handle is the handshake of the building"

With his expert service and vast understanding of our products, Abe is always available to provide assistance and handle any inquiries that may arise.

Contact Abe


(855) 203.7148 ext. 1003

(929) 305.8993

Denis Sergeev

"When opportunity knocks, open the door"

With a keen eye for detail and a scrupulous disposition, Denis supervises the production process to ensure quality and efficiency.

Contact Denis


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1003

Finja Schön

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

With a strategic approach, Finja assesses the impact of marketing strategies, develops advertising campaigns and works with all Mega Handles departments to maintain brand coherence.

Contact Finja


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1007

Malky Felberbaum

"Open the door to a world of possibilities"

With a conscientious attitude, and an analytical mind, Malky manages the financial aspects of Mega Handles with attentive detail.

Contact Malky


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1005

Sury Klein

"Every day is the perfect day for opening new doors."

With strategy and organized skill, Sury manages business operations, logistics and more, coordinating many projects simultaneously.

Contact Sury


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1020

Chavy Lipschutz

"Details matter. Little things make big things happen."

With a creative mind, Chavy manages the design team, where each talented designer brings their own unique perspective to every project.

Contact Chavy


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1006

Raquel Green

"A beautiful door knob is a welcoming invitation"

With her friendly attitude, Raquel manages the dedicated customer service team so that we can assist you easily with any questions you might have.

Contact Raquel


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1021

Honey Cape

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

With a calm and skilled approach, Honey listens to customer concerns attentively and addresses them promptly and effectively.

Contact Honey


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1009

Devora Fileva

"Working with consumer data, analyzing current trends... these are the keys that will unlock the door to client satisfaction."

With an analytical mind, Devora oversees online sales, extracting data insights and staying up-to-date on industry trends to keep Mega Handles at the forefront of advancements.

Contact Devora


(855) 203.7184 ext. 1005